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How to format currency in ClosedXML as numeric

we're using ClosedXML to convert datatable objects into Excel spreadsheets for presentation to the user. The DataTable object is build simply by assigning all db values (from NHibernate) to strings and then formating them like below:

EstimatedCost = Currency.SafeToString(Currency.Create(n.EstimatedCost)),

We then set the column type to the property type, i.e. String in all cases.

What happens in the output Excel sheet as that the column is set for currency but has the number as text warning, then it won't sort correctly.

My problem is that since we build all the data into a DataTable, I don't have a chance to decorate the ClosedXML columns correctly. Is there a quick way to do this that I am not thinking of?

public const string ExcelDataType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml";

public static MemoryStream GenerateExcelFileFromData(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, DataTable>> tabs, int colWidth = 100)
  var workbook = new XLWorkbook { ColumnWidth = colWidth };
  foreach (var enumerable in tabs)
    workbook.Worksheets.Add(enumerable.Value, enumerable.Key);


 public static DataTable ConvertToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T> varlist, List<string> excludedColumns, bool titleizeColumn = false)
   var dtReturn = new DataTable();

   // column names 
   PropertyInfo[] oProps = null;

   if (varlist == null) return dtReturn;

    foreach (T rec in varlist)
     // Use reflection to get property names, to create table, Only first time, others will follow 
        if (oProps == null)
           oProps = rec.GetType().GetProperties();
              foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
                    if (excludedColumns.Contains(pi.Name))
                    var colType = pi.PropertyType;
                    dtReturn.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn), colType));

        DataRow dr = dtReturn.NewRow();

        foreach (var pi in oProps.Where(pi => !excludedColumns.Contains(pi.Name)))
                    dr[GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn)] = pi.GetValue(rec, null) ?? DBNull.Value;
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    dr[GetColumnName(pi, titleizeColumn)] = DBNull.Value;
        return dtReturn;
like image 994
Paul Duer Avatar asked May 21 '15 17:05

Paul Duer

People also ask

How do you create a datatype for a column in ClosedXML?

SetDataType(XLDataType. Text); Furthermore, the data type in ClosedXML is not the same as the cell format in Excel (have a look at the example file from the documentation to see the difference). Yeah i was using colum and setdatatype without the 'cellused' filter.

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ClosedXML allows you to create Excel files without the Excel application.

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Import or Read Excel FileCreate a new empty ASP.NET MVC web project in Visual Studio and install the ClosedXML library from NuGet Package Manager. After that, add an Empty Controller, i.e., HomeController in the project. Add the below code in the Controller. file.

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C# read Excel file using ClosedXML. Excel; using var wbook = new XLWorkbook("simple. xlsx"); var ws1 = wbook. Worksheet(1); var data = ws1.

1 Answers

You can format your currency values this way:

worksheet.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "$0.00";
worksheet.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex).DataType = XLCellValues.Number; // Use XLDataType.Number in 2018 and after
like image 85
jaredbaszler Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
