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How to format an integer with zero padding in Julia?

If I have an Integer, say 123, how can I get a zero-padded string of it to a certain length?

For example, 123 with 6 wide would become "000123", but 1234567 to 6 wide would be "1234567".

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DVNold Avatar asked Jan 15 '21 14:01


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3 Answers

julia> string(123, pad=6)
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MarcMush Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10


Printf is included with Julia and is more flexible, but @MarcMush's answer is cleaner.

julia> using Printf

julia> s = @sprintf("%6.6i",i)

There is also Formatting.jl for even more options.

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Nathan Boyer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10

Nathan Boyer

There are lpad and rpad functions.

julia> lpad(123, 6, '0')

julia> lpad(1234567, 6, '0')
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Andrej Oskin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10

Andrej Oskin