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How to force magento to logout



I am working in magento community-1.6. I need to clear session or logout the current user at one stage of my site process. How will I do this.?

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Sankar Subburaj Avatar asked Dec 10 '11 07:12

Sankar Subburaj

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How to logout customer programmatically in Magento 2?

You need to call logout() function from above class dependency. Call customerLogout() function from above file to programmatically log out a customer from the current session.

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You can check any physical file is exist or not at a specific location in Magento directory by Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Driver\File class. You can use Magento 2 native class to check file is exist or not instead of the core PHP method. Call from a template file, echo $block->checkFileExists();

How do I log out of Magento 2?

You can simply destroy session to logout the customer. /** @var Magento\Customer\Model\Session; */ $session->destroy(); And than redirect page to login page.

1 Answers

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Sankar Subburaj Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Sankar Subburaj