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How to force http.client to send chunked-encoding HTTP body in python?

I want to send chunked HTTP body to test my own HTTP server. So I wrote this python code:

import http.client

body = 'Hello World!' * 80

conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("some.domain.com")
url = "/some_path?arg=true_arg"

conn.request("POST", url, body, {"Transfer-Encoding":"chunked"})

resp = conn.getresponse()
print(resp.status, resp.reason)

I expect the HTTP request's body is transferrd chunked, but I capture the network package with Wireshark, the HTTP request's body is not transferred chunked.

How to transfer chunked body by http.client lib in python?

like image 331
Celebi Avatar asked Feb 11 '12 05:02


1 Answers

OK, I get it.

First, write my own chunked encode function.

Then use putrequest(), putheader(), endheaders() and send() instead of request()

import http.client

def chunk_data(data, chunk_size):
    dl = len(data)
    ret = ""
    for i in range(dl // chunk_size):
        ret += "%s\r\n" % (hex(chunk_size)[2:])
        ret += "%s\r\n\r\n" % (data[i * chunk_size : (i + 1) * chunk_size])

    if len(data) % chunk_size != 0:
        ret += "%s\r\n" % (hex(len(data) % chunk_size)[2:])
        ret += "%s\r\n" % (data[-(len(data) % chunk_size):])

    ret += "0\r\n\r\n"
    return ret

conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host)
url = "/some_path"
conn.putrequest('POST', url)
conn.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
conn.send(chunk_data(body, size_per_chunk).encode('utf-8'))

resp = conn.getresponse()
print(resp.status, resp.reason)
like image 148
Celebi Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
