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How to flatten a list of tuples and remove the duplicates?



I'm trying to remove the duplicates out of tuples in a list and add them in a new list with out duplicates,

I tried to make two loops but and check for duplicates or sets but the problem there's three tuples

can anyone help me, I'm stuck here


[(2, 5), (3, 5), (2, 5)]


[2, 3, 5]
like image 292
Joe Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 19:04


People also ask

How do I remove duplicates from a list of tuples?

To remove duplicate tuples from a list of tuples: Use the set() class to convert the list to a set of tuples. Any duplicate tuples will automatically get removed after the conversion. Use the list() class to convert the set back to a list.

How do you flatten a tuple list?

One method to flatten tuples of a list is by using the sum() method with empty lust which will return all elements of the tuple as individual values in the list. Then we will convert it into a tuple. Method 2: Another method is using a method from Python's itertools library.

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To remove the duplicates from a list, you can make use of the built-in function set(). The specialty of the set() method is that it returns distinct elements.

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Sets are data structures that cannot contain any duplicate elements. When you convert a list into a set, all the duplicates will be removed.

1 Answers

If order isn't important, you can make a set, add each element of each tuple to the set, and the set is your result.

s = set()
for tup in lst:
    for el in tup:
# or use a set comprehension:
# # s = {el for tup in lst for el in tup}

If order IS important, you can do mostly the same, but also have a result list to add to.

s = set()
result = []
for tup in lst:
    for el in tup:
        if el not in s:
like image 87
Adam Smith Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Adam Smith