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How to fix .vscode tracking in gitignore

I'm having trouble using .gitignore with my .vscode folder in my repository.

I added a rule in my .gitignore to ignore my entire .vscode/ folder:

# Visual Studio Code # 

Despite this, .vscode is still being tracked by my local git repository. I've tried a variety of different solutions including using git filter-branch to remove this folder from my git history and git rm --cached .vscode to clear my cache and re-commit my changes, but none of these solutions prevents the .vscode folder from being tracked by git.

When I run git status I keep getting this result:

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

So far, I've worked around this by manually excluding this folder when I git add my changes.

Why is .vscode/ still being shown as untracked? If I were to git add . and git commit this, it would add this folder to my git history and eventually to my remote repository when I git push. I don't want this behavior to occur.

like image 378
Skye Brown Avatar asked Jul 24 '19 16:07

Skye Brown

People also ask

How do I ignore a .VS file?

Choose Tools > Options > Source Control > Perforce > Ignoring Files. Set your 'Ignore List' preference, including the 'Ignore List' file name.

2 Answers

Had similar problem, turned out the files were added to my cache. Clearing it with below command worked.

git rm --cached .vscode/settings.json

Reference to the issue on github where I found the solution.

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Raul Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09


Maybe try this in your .gitignore. This should ignore the entire .vscode directory, no matter where it is located.

like image 21
m0j0 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
