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How to fix unresolved function inspection in WebStorm 10

I'm using WebStorm 10.

When I use some lib like bluebird that make code like

var foo = require("foo"); // I will call foo.doSomething


the doSomethingAsync will be marked as unresolved function inspection.

So what can I do something like config *Async in WebStorm to avoid unresolved function mark?

like image 735
bonborist Avatar asked May 29 '15 02:05


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1 Answers

Best solution at the time is use namespace reserving. Webstorm supports using comments in order to mark stuff as legitimate:

    /** @namespace foo.doSomethingAsync */

    var foo =     Promise.promisifyAll(require('foo')); 

This doesn't solve the actual issue, and won't get you suggestions for the arguments when using the function, but it's surely a convenience, helping clean up the insane amount of warnings generated when promisifying.

I hope this helps..

like image 140
Selfish Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11
