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How to Fix Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class



This error is thrown in PHP 5.4.3, and the solutions I have found was to hide the errors.

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT);

But I want to fix it, not hide it. Could you explain why this error is thrown and how to fix it?

This is the error:

Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class VisanaObject in /home/template/public_HTML/project/activecollab/angie/classes/VisanaObject.class.php on line 33

This is the code of the class:

class VisanaObject {

    * Object constructor
    * @param void
    * @return Object
    function VisanaObject() {
      $args = func_get_args();

      // Call constructor, with or without args
      if(is_array($args)) {
        call_user_func_array(array(&$this, '__construct'), $args);
      } else {
      } // if
    } // VisanaObject

    * Construct the VisanaObject
    * @param void
    * @return VisanaObject
    function __construct() {

    } // __construct

  } // VisanaObject
like image 495
Luis Cardenas Avatar asked Jul 20 '16 18:07

Luis Cardenas

1 Answers

It's a PHP throwback. PHP used the class name as the constructor method, and didn't have a formal __construct() magic method. Now there is __construct, but the "class name as function = constructor" is kept for backwards compatibility.

So you have

class foo {
   function foo() { ... this is a constructor }
   function __construct() { .. this is another constructor ... }

Rename your VisanaObject method, or move its code into __construct().

like image 110
Marc B Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 14:11

Marc B