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How to fix "No such file or directory" during gitlab-ci run

I have just configured the gitlab-ci with a runner, and run the template bash ci tasks as:

# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
# see https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/yaml/README.html for all available options

# you can delete this line if you're not using Docker
#image: busybox:latest

  - echo "Before script section"
  - echo "For example you might run an update here or install a build dependency"
  - echo "Or perhaps you might print out some debugging details"

  - echo "After script section"
  - echo "For example you might do some cleanup here"

  stage: build
    - echo "Do your build here"

  stage: test
    - echo "Do a test here"
    - echo "For example run a test suite"

  stage: test
    - echo "Do another parallel test here"
    - echo "For example run a lint test"

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Do your deploy here"

But the job has failed:

enter image description here

And I logged into the runner machine and found there is only a ${projectname}.tmp folder under the desired location

enter image description here

did I miss something?

like image 480
armnotstrong Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 17:01


1 Answers

finally found this was a bug with gitlab-runner and Debian/Buster, comment out the .bash_logout file at /home/gitlab-runner will fix this

Here is the discussion of this issue in case of helping other who meet with the same issue

like image 104
armnotstrong Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 16:03
