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How to find zero crossings with hysteresis?

In numpy, I would like to detect the points at which the signal crosses from (having been previously) below a certain threshold, to being above a certain other threshold. This is for things like debouncing, or accurate zero crossings in the presence of noise, etc.

Like this:

import numpy

# set up little test problem
N = 1000
values = numpy.sin(numpy.linspace(0, 20, N))
values += 0.4 * numpy.random.random(N) - 0.2
v_high = 0.3
v_low = -0.3

# find transitions from below v_low to above v_high    
transitions = numpy.zeros_like(values, dtype=numpy.bool)

state = "high"

for i in range(N):
    if values[i] > v_high:
        # previous state was low, this is a low-to-high transition
        if state == "low":
            transitions[i] = True
        state = "high"
    if values[i] < v_low:
        state = "low"

I would like a way to do this without looping over the array explicitly: but I can't think of any way, since each state value depends on the previous state. Is it possible to do without a loop?

like image 446
Alex I Avatar asked Apr 25 '14 10:04

Alex I

2 Answers

This can be done like so:

def hyst(x, th_lo, th_hi, initial = False):
    hi = x >= th_hi
    lo_or_hi = (x <= th_lo) | hi
    ind = np.nonzero(lo_or_hi)[0]
    if not ind.size: # prevent index error if ind is empty
        return np.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool) | initial
    cnt = np.cumsum(lo_or_hi) # from 0 to len(x)
    return np.where(cnt, hi[ind[cnt-1]], initial)

Explanation: ind are the indices of all the samples where the signal is below the lower or above the upper threshold, and for which the position of the 'switch' is thus well-defined. With cumsum, you make some sort of counter which points to the index of the last well-defined sample. If the start of the input vector is between the two thresholds, cnt will be 0, so you need to set the the corresponding output to the initial value using the where function.

Credit: this is a trick I found in an old post on some Matlab forum, which I translated to Numpy. This code is a bit hard to understand and also needs to allocate various intermediate arrays. It would be better if Numpy would include a dedicated function, similar to your simple for-loop, but implemented in C for speed.

Quick test:

x = np.linspace(0,20, 1000)
y = np.sin(x)
h1 = hyst(y, -0.5, 0.5)
h2 = hyst(y, -0.5, 0.5, True)
plt.plot(x, y, x, -0.5 + h1, x, -0.5 + h2)
plt.legend(('input', 'output, start=0', 'output, start=1'))
plt.title('Thresholding with hysteresis')

Result: enter image description here

like image 148
Bas Swinckels Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Bas Swinckels

Modifications I had to do for my work, all based on the answer above by Bas Swinckels, to permit detection of threshold-crossing when using standard as well as reversed thresholds.

I'm not happy with the naming tough, maybe it should now read th_hi2lo and th_lo2hi instead of th_lo and th_hi? Using the original values, the behaviour ist the same tough.

def hyst(x, th_lo, th_hi, initial = False):
    x : Numpy Array
        Series to apply hysteresis to.
    th_lo : float or int
        Below this threshold the value of hyst will be False (0).
    th_hi : float or int
        Above this threshold the value of hyst will be True (1).

    if th_lo > th_hi: # If thresholds are reversed, x must be reversed as well
        x = x[::-1]
        th_lo, th_hi = th_hi, th_lo
        rev = True
        rev = False

    hi = x >= th_hi
    lo_or_hi = (x <= th_lo) | hi

    ind = np.nonzero(lo_or_hi)[0]  # Index für alle darunter oder darüber
    if not ind.size:  # prevent index error if ind is empty
        x_hyst = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool) | initial
        cnt = np.cumsum(lo_or_hi)  # from 0 to len(x)
        x_hyst = np.where(cnt, hi[ind[cnt-1]], initial)

    if rev:
        x_hyst = x_hyst[::-1]

    return x_hyst

And as above a test of the code to see what it does:

x = np.linspace(0,20, 1000)
y = np.sin(x)
h1 = hyst(y, -0.2, 0.2)
h2 = hyst(y, +0.5, -0.5)
plt.plot(x, y, x, -0.2 + h1*0.4, x, -0.5 + h2)
plt.legend(('input', 'output, classic, hyst(y, -0.2, +0.2)', 
            'output, reversed, hyst(y, +0.5, -0.5)'))
plt.title('Thresholding with hysteresis')

Sine with two different settings for hysteresis.

like image 32
AMTQ Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09