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How to find the most connected node of particular relationship type in neo4j using cypher query?




Can some one help me to find the most connected node of particular relationship type in neo4j using cypher query.

Suppose I have

Node1      Node2     Relationship
A             B             follows
A             C             follows
B             D             follows

A             D             follows

Here Node D is the most connected node.of particular relationship type "Follows" .so how to find this node using cypher query?

Thanks in Advance

(Edit): i found my answer tnx Martin Preusse

    MATCH (n)<-[r:FOLLOWS]-()
    RETURN n, count(r) AS num
    ORDER BY num desc
like image 840
Milad ranjbar Avatar asked Jul 22 '16 10:07

Milad ranjbar

People also ask

How many nodes can a single relationship connect in Neo4j?

In other words, you want a relationship that connects more than two nodes. Mathematics allows this, with the concept of a hyperedge. This is impossible in Neo4j.

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When you want to return all nodes, relationships and paths found in a query, you can use the * symbol. This returns the two nodes, the relationship and the path used in the query.

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Relationships. Relationships organize the nodes by connecting them. A relationship connects two nodes — a start node and an end node. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties.

1 Answers

Try this if the direction of the relationship matters (will only return A and B):

MATCH (n)-[r:follows]->()
RETURN n, count(r) AS num

Or this if you don't need the direction (i.e. the node D will be returned as well):

MATCH (n)-[r:follows]-()
RETURN n, count(DISTINCT r) AS num
like image 173
Martin Preusse Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Martin Preusse