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How to find search/find npm packages




What ways are there to find npm packages?

Below is community maintained listing compiled from the answers below.

npm Specific

  • In console, npm search <keyword>
  • https://www.npmjs.org/
  • http://node-modules.com/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/13593402
  • https://openbase.com/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/66827908/2752520


  • https://github.com
  • https://libraries.io


  • http://browsenpm.org/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/24338500
  • https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules
  • http://toolbox.no.de/ aka http://nodetoolbox.com/
  • http://packagefinder1-enome.dotcloud.com/
  • http://eirikb.github.com/nipster/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/10571033
  • https://nodejsmodules.org/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/17821476
  • http://npmsearch.com/ via https://stackoverflow.com/a/34471018
like image 231
Alfred Avatar asked May 13 '12 00:05


People also ask

How do I search npm?

Search also allows targeting of maintainers in search results, by prefixing their npm username with = . If a term starts with / , then it's interpreted as a regular expression and supports standard JavaScript RegExp syntax. In this case search will ignore a trailing / .

How do I find npm package name?

const npmName = require('npm-name'); (async () => { // Check a package name console. log(await npmName('chalk')); //=> false // Check an organization name console. log(await npmName('@ava')); //=> false })(); npm-name-cli.

Where are npm packages located?

on windows: c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node_modules/npm/npmrc.

1 Answers

npm search works pretty well:

npm search connect

npm view will show you the timestamp of each version and everthing else from package.json (including node version)

npm view connect

like image 79
mihai Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
