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How to find out which permission an android application needs

how can i find out which permissions i need to add in manifest for my applications? Actually, WHEN i need to add permission in manifest and HOW to find out my app really need to add some permissions in manifest before install it on device? is it possible to find out permissions from imported package? for example is there any way to find out we need to add "uses-permission android:name="com.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM" permissions in manifest because we add "import android.app.AlarmManager;" in code?

MY BIG PROBLEM IS: my apps work fine, but when users upgrade phones to new android, my apps not work, and i need to find out which permission lost from my manifest. (for example we don't need any permissions for SD card access in android 2.2, but in android 4.0 we need to add permissions in manifest). thanks in advance

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coder Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 17:11


People also ask

Which app is using which permission?

Here's how to access the app permissions list to see all apps that use a specific permission: Open Settings and tap Apps & notifications. Tap Permission manager to open the Android permission controller app. Click a specific permission from the app permissions list that you're interested in, like location.

What are the permission asked by the app before using it?

These include the “full network access” permission (used by 83% of apps) as well as the “view network connections” permission (used by 69% of apps). The third- and fourth-most common permissions allow apps to access memory on the phone, a feature apps would need in order to save content to the device.

How do I check if permission is denied Android?

To know if the user denied with "never ask again" you can check again the shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale method in your onRequestPermissionsResult when the user did not grant the permission. You can open your app setting with this code: Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.

How do I know if my Android app needs permission?

Check for permissions. If your app needs a dangerous permission, you must check whether you have that permission every time you perform an operation that requires that permission. Beginning with Android 6.0 (API level 23), users can revoke permissions from any app at any time, even if the app targets a lower API level.

How do I Change permissions on my Android phone?

Open Settings and tap Apps & notifications. Tap Permission manager to open the Android permission controller app. Click a specific permission from the app permissions list that you’re interested in, like location. Here you’ll see apps that have access to your location all the time or only while in use. To remove access, tap a particular app.

Is it right to be cautious about permissions on Android?

It’s right to be cautious, as they can give third-party apps intimate access to your private info. But some apps require permissions in order to function properly. Read on to learn which app permissions to avoid, which to allow, and how to get control of your personal data on Android. What are Android app permissions?

What is an app permission request?

Anytime you install an app from Google Play, you’ll likely see an app permission request. If you install a camera app, for example, it will need your permission to access your device’s camera before it can actually take photos.

1 Answers

how can i find out which permissions i need to add in manifest for my applications?

Sometimes, the permissions are documented, such as in the JavaDocs for classes and methods that need those permissions.

Sometimes, the permissions are not well-documented. You find out that you need them by testing, or by running across notes about them elsewhere, such as Stack Overflow questions and answers.

On occasion, an IDE (e.g., Android Studio) or a build process (e.g., Gradle with Lint checks) will complain at compile time about a missing permission. Usually, those are for already-documented permission requirements. That being said, running a manual Lint check ("Inspect Code" in Android Studio) is a good idea before shipping an app.

HOW to find out my app really need to add some permissions in manifest before install it on device?


is it possible to find out permissions from imported package?

Permissions are not usually tied to Java packages.

for example is there any way to find out we need to add "uses-permission android:name="com.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM" permissions in manifest because we add "import android.app.AlarmManager;" in code?

You do not need to use SET_ALARM because you are importing AlarmManager. No import statement requires a permission.

but when users upgrade phones to new android, my apps not work

Quickly test your apps on new versions of Android as those versions are released. When you are given access to developer previews — as developers were prior to Android 5.0 and 6.0 — test on those developer previews.

like image 85
CommonsWare Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 23:11
