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How to find out the memory footprint of my Android App?

Well, the title says it.

It would also be handy to know how many memory is still available. I am writing a memory hungry application that tends to crash randomly (in native Code), and my suspicion is that it gets out-of-memory.

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Thilo Köhler Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 12:02

Thilo Köhler

2 Answers

I think you'd struggle to find a more comprehensive answer than this on the subject:
How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?

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Christopher Orr Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 02:03

Christopher Orr

i agree with hackbod's reply. As far as my understanding goes, your app wont crash , rather it will be killed. you may find this discussion interesting
Is there a need to check for NULL after allocating memory, when kernel uses overcommit memory.
I guess there is some call back to know lowmemory conditions(onLowMemory()), you can use it to identify low memory conditions, I havent tried it though.

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FL4SOF Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 01:03