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How to find out the latest version of Kotlin in Android Studio

I have opened an Android Studio project which was created some time ago and the IDE says that a gradle plugin for Kotlin supports a Kotlin version 1.2.51 or higher. I would like to set it to the latest version but I have to go to the Kotlin website on which it's not easy to find out this information.

Is it possible to find out the latest version of Kotlin in Android Studio?

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Blazej SLEBODA Avatar asked Dec 08 '18 11:12


People also ask

What is the latest version of Kotlin?

Kotlin 1.6.0 is now officially released with Stable exhaustive whens, Kover, and new memory manager for Kotlin/Native!

How do I change my Kotlin version?

Go to Intellij Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Kotlin Compiler. Update Language version and Api version to the one you wish. This should be the accepted answer.

Is Kotlin installed with Android Studio?

Android Studio provides first-class support for Kotlin. It even has built-in tools to help you convert Java-based code to Kotlin.

2 Answers

If you are on windows do the following:


enter image description here then click on check and then if there was a newer version press install

like image 96
Omid Heshmatinia Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Omid Heshmatinia

On Mac OS

Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Kotlin

like image 30
RamKr Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
