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How to find out in Eclipse if certain method is called from another method directly or indirectly?




How to find out in Eclipse if certain method is potentially invoked or reachable (directly or indirectly) from another method?

Assume I want to refactor A.one() which can be negatively influenced by a side-effect in D.four(). Therefore I'd like to find out if D.four() can potentially be invoked from A.one(). I can see which methods are called from A.one() using the Call Hierarchy. I can navigate the call tree and eventually find that A.one() calls B.two() which calls C.three() which calls D.four().

Is there a way in Eclipse to make this search somehow automatic?

ps. There's a "Filters..." option in Call Hierarchy Dialog, but it only hides matching names.

like image 932
lexicore Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 06:09


People also ask

How do you know where a particular method is called in eclipse?

Select mymethod() and press ctrl + alt + h . To see some detailed Information about any method you can use this by selecting that particular Object or method and right click. you can see the "OpenCallHierarchy" ( Ctrl + Alt + H ).

How do you find out where a method is called?

Ctrl+Shift+G shows you from where the method is being called whereas Ctrl+Alt+H shows calls from the method in the workspace.

How do I get call hierarchy in Eclipse?

To find the references of a method, eclipse has a plugin called Open Call Hierarchy(Ctrl+Alt+H).

1 Answers

This is a modified version of the way you (@lexicore) found, that involves significantly less button punching (my changes in bold):

  • Open Call Hierarchy for A.one(), Show Callee Hierarchy.
  • Select the root node, and press the * key until the whole tree is expanded. Note that you only need to press * on the root node. This will expand the whole tree in "no time".
  • Right mouse click, Copy Expanded Hierarchy.
  • Paste into a text file.
  • Full-text search for D.four().


  • The key * expands all unexpanded leaf nodes one level.
  • The keys + and - works for expanding and closing just the selected node.
  • I've tried this on a Swedish keyboard, where * is located in a different place than on a US keyboard, but hopefully Eclipse won't care about that.


Here is some documentation, where the * key is mentioned.

like image 178
Peter Jaric Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Peter Jaric