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How to find out if you have colab pro or not inside colab?

This is more of a miscellaneous question but is there a feature to do this? I just simply can't find any documentation on this topic. For instance, my usage would be like this:

from google.colab import utils # I made this up
colab_pro = utils.colab_is_pro()
if colab_pro:
  # train model with higher settings
  # train model with lower settings

Currently I do have a way of doing this, but it's rather hacky:

gpu_name = !nvidia-smi --query-gpu=gpu_name --format=csv
# You get Tesla T4 with free colab and faster GPUs with colab pro
colab_pro = False if 'T4' in gpu_name else True

FYI, here is the colab I'm working on: https://colab.research.google.com/github/Namburger/edgetpu-ssdlite-mobiledet-retrain/blob/master/ssdlite_mobiledet_transfer_learning_cat_vs_dog.ipynb#scrollTo=Mg1C8UwStK7i

like image 567
Nam Vu Avatar asked Nov 16 '22 05:11

Nam Vu

1 Answers

#A Colab pro environment should have >20Gb of total memory.
from psutil import virtual_memory
colab_pro = virtual_memory().total / 1e9
print('Your runtime has {:.1f} gigabytes of available RAM\n'.format(colab_pro))

if colab_pro < 20:
  print('Not using a high-RAM runtime')
  # train model with lower settings
  print('You are using a high-RAM runtime!')
  # train model with higher settings

Also, you can check the available memory in colab as follows:

!cat /proc/meminfo

A Colab pro environment should have >20Gb of total memory.


like image 182
qqNade Avatar answered Feb 02 '23 00:02
