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How to find min/max in std::map like in std::set?

Since both set and map are ordered containers, can the min and the max be found in 0(1) time for std::map like in std::set ?

// for std::set
// std::set<int> s;
auto min = *s.begin();

auto max = *s.rbegin();

How do I obtain the max and min in O(1) from a std::map ? Other questions here seem to suggest to iterate through the map, but can't we use the ordered properlt of std::map to obtain the result faster ?

like image 689
nnrales Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 12:03


1 Answers

Dereference first from the iterator for the key, like this:

// for std::map<int,string> s
auto minKey = s.begin()->first;
auto maxKey = s.rbegin()->first;

This works only for keys, not values, because maps are sorted only on their keys.

like image 131
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 09:03

Sergey Kalinichenko