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How to find methods which are only defined in a subclass, in Python 2.7?


Is there a clean way to get methods only defined in a subclass that not defined in parent class?

class Parent(object):
     def method_of_parent(self):
class SubClass(Parent):
     def method_of_subclass(self):

# desired:
>>> print(get_subclass_methods(SubClass))
like image 283
wtayyeb Avatar asked Oct 12 '16 20:10


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1 Answers

I think there are many corner cases but here is one of solutions.

import inspect

class Parent(object):
     def method_of_parent(self):
class SubClass(Parent):
     def method_of_subclass(self):

def get_subclass_methods(child_cls):
    parents = inspect.getmro(child_cls)[1:]
    parents_methods = set()
    for parent in parents:
        members = inspect.getmembers(parent, predicate=inspect.ismethod)

    child_methods = set(inspect.getmembers(child_cls, predicate=inspect.ismethod))

    child_only_methods = child_methods - parents_methods
    return [m[0] for m in child_only_methods]



like image 163
Kenji Noguchi Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Kenji Noguchi