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How to find issues that at some point has been assigned to you?



People also ask

How do I see all issues assigned to me in Jira?

Click on Issues on the top, click New on the left bar. Now, choose the reporter and assignee. Then switch to Advanced search. Then you can change the AND to an OR and do the search.

How do I find an assignee in Jira?

Select Search in the navigation bar (or press / on your keyboard). Choose from recent items or type to search. Optionally, filter the search results by choosing a project or issue assignee.

What is assignee Jira?

You can either define the Jira assignee as the person who has the responsibility to resolve the issue, or the person who needs to take the next action.

This is meanwhile possible by means of the JIRA Query Language (JQL) operator 'WAS', which has been introduced in JIRA 4.3 and extended in JIRA 4.4 to cover assignees and reporters as well, for example:

project = "Angry Nerds" and (assignee was 'johnsmith' or reporter was 'johnsmith')

General-purpose query for whichever 'current user':

assignee was currentUser()

This filter can be conveniently shared & anybody can put it on their dashboard, etc and it will return results specific to them.. Not supported on all old JIRA versions though.

This was my most-requested JIRA feature ever.

Check out JIRA Toolkit plugin - Participants custom field


This field allows you to easily track issues that you've "participated in". These are defined to be any issues you've commented on, raised or are the current assignee. See also the [JIRA Extended Participants] plugin.


This works without plugins:

assignee was currentUser() OR reporter was currentUser() ORDER BY updated DESC

The original answer

This query worked for me:

Participants = currentUser()