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How to find (in javascript) the current "scroll" offset in mobile safari / iphone

I'd like to know the x/y offset of the how far the user has "scrolled" within the viewport in mobile safari on the iphone.

Put another way, if I (through javascript) reloaded the current page, I'd like to find the values I'd need to pass into window.scrollTo(...) in order to reposition the document/viewport as it is currently.

window.pageXOffset always reports 0

jquery's $('body').scrollTop() always reports 0

events have a pageX, but this won't account for the scrolling of the page that happens after you release your finger if your gesture was to "flick" the page up/down. Namely, it'll give me a point when the finger leaves the screen, but that doesn't always match where the page will be after it's finished scrolling.

Any pointers?

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mintywalker Avatar asked Mar 24 '10 10:03


3 Answers

window.pageYOffset should give you the current scroll offset. There's window.pageXOffset if you need it too.

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pendor Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


I had the same problem... this did the trick:

var scrollX = window.pageXOffset; var scrollY = window.pageYOffset;

Got it from this question: Get current position of the viewport in Mobile (iPhone) Safari

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Andrea Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


This will indeed work:

var scrollX = window.pageXOffset; 
var scrollY = window.pageYOffset;

If you are viewing content in an iFrame (which is common in WebViews for instance), then you will need to add parent:

var scrollX = parent.window.pageXOffset;

Also note that these values are not writeable. So to change the scroll position, you will need to use window.scrollTo method:

var scrollX = window.pageXOffset; 
var scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
window.scrollTo(scrollX -100, scrollY -100);
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BishopZ Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
