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How to find if div with specific id exists in jQuery?

People also ask

How do you find if element with specific ID exists or not?

Approach 1: First, we will use document. getElementById() to get the ID and store the ID into a variable. Then compare the element (variable that store ID) with 'null' and identify whether the element exists or not.

How do I find div id?

In JavaScript, you can use getElementById() fucntion to get any prefer HTML element by providing their tag id. Here is a HTML example to show the use of getElementById() function to get the DIV tag id, and use InnerHTML() function to change the text dynamically.

You can use .length after the selector to see if it matched any elements, like this:

if($("#" + name).length == 0) {
  //it doesn't exist

The full version:

$("li.friend").live('click', function(){
  name = $(this).text();
  if($("#" + name).length == 0) {
    $("div#chatbar").append("<div class='labels'><div id='" + name + "' style='display:none;'></div>" + name + "</div>");
  } else {
    alert('this record already exists');

Or, the non-jQuery version for this part (since it's an ID):

$("li.friend").live('click', function(){
  name = $(this).text();
  if(document.getElementById(name) == null) {
    $("div#chatbar").append("<div class='labels'><div id='" + name + "' style='display:none;'></div>" + name + "</div>");
  } else {
    alert('this record already exists');

Nick's answer nails it. You could also use the return value of getElementById directly as your condition, rather than comparing it to null (either way works, but I personally find this style a little more readable):

if (document.getElementById(name)) {
  alert('this record already exists');
} else {
  // do stuff

Try to check the length of the selector, if it returns you something then the element must exists else not.

if( $('#selector').length )         // use this if you are using id to check
     // it exists

if( $('.selector').length )         // use this if you are using class to check
     // it exists

Use the first if condition for id and the 2nd one for class.

if($("#id").length) /*exists*/

if(!$("#id").length) /*doesn't exist*/

if ( $( "#myDiv" ).length ) {
    // if ( "#myDiv" ) is exist this will perform
    $( "#myDiv" ).show();


Another shorthand way:

    $( "#myDiv" ).length && $( "#myDiv" ).show();