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How to find full path of Outlook .pst file?


Is there a way to programmatically find the location of the current user's Outlook .pst file(s) through an API call or registry entry?

like image 614
Vic Avatar asked Oct 12 '08 18:10


1 Answers

With Outlook Redemption, you can iterate the message stores in VBA using RDOStorescollection, accessible via the RDOSession.Stores property.

I am looking into the possibility of doing something similar in out-of-the-box VBA...


Obviously, the path to the PST is encoded in the StoreId string. Google turned up this:

Sub PstFiles()
  Dim f As MAPIFolder

  For Each f In Session.Folders
    Debug.Print f.StoreID
    Debug.Print GetPathFromStoreID(f.StoreID)
  Next f
End Sub

Public Function GetPathFromStoreID(sStoreID As String) As String
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim i As Long
  Dim lPos As Long
  Dim sRes As String

  For i = 1 To Len(sStoreID) Step 2
    sRes = sRes & Chr("&h" & Mid$(sStoreID, i, 2))

  sRes = Replace(sRes, Chr(0), vbNullString)
  lPos = InStr(sRes, ":\")

  If lPos Then
    GetPathFromStoreID = Right$(sRes, (Len(sRes)) - (lPos - 2))
  End If
End Function

Just tested, works as designed.

like image 73
Tomalak Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09
