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How to find files and skip directories in os.listdir

I use os.listdir and it works fine, but I get sub-directories in the list also, which is not what I want: I need only files.

What function do I need to use for that?

I looked also at os.walk and it seems to be what I want, but I'm not sure of how it works.

like image 986
Bartee Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 19:03


People also ask

Does OS Listdir include folder?

The listdir() method only lists all the top level files and folders inside a directory. If you want to navigate all the lower level files and folders inside your directory and subdirectories, use the walk() method from the OS module.

What does OS Listdir (' ') mean?

listdir() method in python is used to get the list of all files and directories in the specified directory. If we don't specify any directory, then list of files and directories in the current working directory will be returned. Syntax: os.listdir(path)

What is the difference between OS Listdir () and OS walk?

listdir() method returns a list of every file and folder in a directory. os. walk() function returns a list of every file in an entire file tree.

1 Answers

You need to filter out directories; os.listdir() lists all names in a given path. You can use os.path.isdir() for this:

basepath = '/path/to/directory' for fname in os.listdir(basepath):     path = os.path.join(basepath, fname)     if os.path.isdir(path):         # skip directories         continue 

Note that this only filters out directories after following symlinks. fname is not necessarily a regular file, it could also be a symlink to a file. If you need to filter out symlinks as well, you'd need to use not os.path.islink() first.

On a modern Python version (3.5 or newer), an even better option is to use the os.scandir() function; this produces DirEntry() instances. In the common case, this is faster as the direntry loaded already has cached enough information to determine if an entry is a directory or not:

basepath = '/path/to/directory' for entry in os.scandir(basepath):     if entry.is_dir():         # skip directories         continue     # use entry.path to get the full path of this entry, or use     # entry.name for the base filename 

You can use entry.is_file(follow_symlinks=False) if only regular files (and not symlinks) are needed.

os.walk() does the same work under the hood; unless you need to recurse down subdirectories, you don't need to use os.walk() here.

like image 157
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

Martijn Pieters