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how to find cordova.jar in latest version of phonegap 2.9.1?



I download latest version phonegap-2.9.1 zip file but it not contain cordova.jar and when i search on google the i got on answer like navigate folder to lib/android/framework directory and fire command
android update project -p . -t android-17
ant jar

but not working. please anybody tell me how to find cordova.jar from phonegap-2.9.1 .

like image 295
nilesh wani Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 12:02

nilesh wani

1 Answers

First, you need the following requisites, for sure are covered if you have been playing with phonegap/cordova for a while ;)

  • Java JDK 1.5 or greater
  • Apache ANT 1.8.0 or greater
  • Android SDK http://developer.android.com

And then, to generate the cordova-2.9.1.jar file, follow the next steps:

  1. Download and extract the phonegap-2.9.1.zip file.

  2. In a terminal/cmd window go inside the recently extracted directory:

    $ cd phonegap-2.9.1\lib\android\framework\

  3. Execute the following commands (you need android sdk and ant already configured in your system path):

    $ android update project -p . -t android-17

    If required add the --subprojects parameter:

    $ android update project -p . -t android-17 --subprojects

    You get a message like this:

    Updated project.properties Updated local.properties build.xml: Found version-tag: custom. File will not be updated. Updated file D:\work_NEW\phonegap-2.9.1\lib\android\framework\proguard-project.txt Updated and renamed default.properties to project.properties Updated local.properties No project name specified, using Activity name 'DroidGap'. If you wish to change it, edit the first line of build.xml. Added file D:\work_NEW\phonegap-2.9.1\lib\android\framework\bin\build.xml Added file D:\work_NEW\phonegap-2.9.1\lib\android\framework\bin\proguard-project.txt

  4. Finally run:

    $ ant jar

    Blablabla.... jar: [jar] Building jar: xxx\phonegap-2.9.1\lib\android\framework\cordova-2.9.1.jar

    BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 4 seconds

  5. Done!!!!! The file is ready! And you can find this and other information reading a file inside the phonegap-2.9.1.zip:


like image 111
neojal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
