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How to find Azure Subscription Quota

I did google and could not find any accurate answer.

When I try to deploy the web application to different data centre, I am getting error message below:

    Server response = 40652 Cannot move or create server. 
Subscription 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' will exceed server quota.

Could someone please help me understand below:

  1. Where do I find the max quota for given subscription within a management portal?

  2. Does error above means the quota exceeded for Azure SQL Server or Host services.

  3. How many servers can one subscription create?

I used Cerebrata cloud management studio which shows the subscription detail below:

Cores: 9 / 20
Hosted Services: 4 / 20
Storage: 8 / 20

Not sure whether Azure SQL Server belongs to hosted service or storage or something else that's not shown above.


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Nil Pun Avatar asked Jun 16 '13 02:06

Nil Pun

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How many subscriptions can I have in Azure?

By default, a maximum of 50,000 Azure AD resources can be created in a single tenant by users of the Azure Active Directory Free edition. If you have at least one verified domain, the default Azure AD service quota for your organization is extended to 300,000 Azure AD resources.

What is quota in Azure subscription?

Quotas define the limits of resources that a user subscription can provision or consume. For example, a quota might allow a user to create up to five virtual machines (VMs). Each resource can have its own types of quotas.

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To view the Quotas page, sign in to the Azure portal and enter "quotas" into the search box, then select Quotas. After you've accessed Quotas, the service will appear at the top of Azure Home in the Azure portal.

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You can only purchase products on Azure Marketplace once you have moved to pay-as-you-go pricing. How many free account offers am I allowed to sign up for? There is a limit of one account with free services and USD200 credit per new customer.

1 Answers

For Azure SQL Servers, there is a hidden default max of 6 Azure SQL SERVERS (Not databases). Once you attempt to create the 7th, you will receive this error: New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer : Cannot move or create server. Subscription 'XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX' will exceed server quota. Submit a billing request to increase the quota limit on SQL Azure Servers.

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user2625214 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
