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How to find an object property value from a nested objected group using a string as the property name?

I have a nested set of objects ie some properties are custom objects. I would like to get a object property value within the hierarchy group using a string for the property name, and some form of "find" method to scan the hierarchy to find a property with matching name, and get its value.

Is this possible and if so how?

Many thanks.


Class definition may be in pseudocode:

Class Car
    Public Window myWindow()
    Public Door myDoor()
Class Window
    Public Shape()
Class Door
    Public Material()

Car myCar = new Car()
myCar.myWindow.Shape ="Round"
myDoor.Material = "Metal"

All a little contrived, but could I "find" the value of the "Shape" property by using the magic string "Shape" in some form of find function, starting from the top object. ie:

string myResult = myCar.FindPropertyValue("Shape")

Hopefully myResult = "Round".

This is what I am after.


like image 339
SamJolly Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 01:04


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1 Answers

Based on classes you showed in your question, you would need a recursive call to iterate your object properties. How about something you can reuse:

object GetValueFromClassProperty(string propname, object instance)
    var type = instance.GetType();
    foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
        var value = property.GetValue(instance, null);
        if (property.PropertyType.FullName != "System.String"
            && !property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive)
            return GetValueFromClassProperty(propname, value);
        else if (property.Name == propname)
            return value;

    // if you reach this point then the property does not exists
    return null;

propname is the property you are searching for. You can use is like this:

var val = GetValueFromClassProperty("Shape", myCar );
like image 144
von v. Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 15:10

von v.