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How to find all Test Suites a particular Test Case belongs to

I have a Test Case in Microsoft Test Manager 2010 that is used in a Test Plan.

How can I find this Test Case in the Test Plan? Is there at least a column in the Organize view that shows the paths of the Test Plans where the Test Case is used?

like image 730
Roland Bär Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 00:11

Roland Bär

1 Answers

Unfortunately, MTM UI does not provide any possibility to search for Test Cases.

Edit: (see comment)
Unfortunately, MTM UI does not provide any possibility to search for Test Cases that belong to a particular Test Plan or Test Suite.

May be a solution for you:
You can check to which Test Suites a particular Test Case belongs to using TFS-API.
Here is a code snipped that works on TFS 2013:

// Current user credentials will be used to access to TFS
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfsCollection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(<TFS Url>));

ITestManagementService testManagementService = tfsCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
ITestManagementTeamProject  teamProject = testManagementService.GetTeamProject(<team project name>);

// Get all Test Suites your Test Case belongs to
// (Across all Test Plans in the Team Project)
ITestSuiteCollection testSuites = teamProject.TestSuites.ReferencingTestCase(testCaseId);

Have a look at the ITestManagementTeamProject Interface, you can do a lot with it.
(Hint: currently this interface is absolutely not documented for VS 2013 so switch the page to VS 2012 and you will usually find a little more documentation).

For your task on building a whole path to the particular Test Suite check ITestSuiteHelper Interface and ITestSuiteBase Interface. They provide you with data you need to follow the Test Suites' tree of your project.

like image 60
Elena Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 04:11
