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How to filter different keys in a array and get unique result in angular js

I'm trying to filter data from the response and remove duplicate items and push the data into an array, my api response goes as below:


From the above response, if "booking_id" exist in object and "booking_id._id" is same then, I need to filter and push only unique objects to array.

I need a response as below:


Any Help would be Appreciated. Thanks.

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Shaik Nizamuddin Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 07:10

Shaik Nizamuddin

2 Answers

You can use array#reduce and array#some

var response =[{"_id":"0","yacht_id":"200","promo_id":"300","blocked_thru":"promotions","dates":"2017-08-23T00:00:00.000Z",},{"_id":"1","booking_id":{"_id":"100","booking_id":"BK163041494",},"blocked_thru":"booked","dates":"2017-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",},{"_id":"2","booking_id":{"_id":"100","booking_id":"BK163041494",},"blocked_thru":"booked","dates":"2017-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",}];

var unique = response.reduce((res, obj) => {
  let isFound = res.some(o =>
    o['booking_id'] && o['booking_id']['_id'] === obj['booking_id']['_id'] );
  if(!isFound) {
  return res;
}, []);

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Hassan Imam Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Hassan Imam

Use Array.prototype.reduce and a hashtable to pick out the unique elements - see demo below:

var object=[{"_id":"0","yacht_id":"200","promo_id":"300","blocked_thru":"promotions","dates":"2017-08-23T00:00:00.000Z",},{"_id":"1","booking_id":{"_id":"100","booking_id":"BK163041494",},"blocked_thru":"booked","dates":"2017-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",},{"_id":"2","booking_id":{"_id":"100","booking_id":"BK163041494",},"blocked_thru":"booked","dates":"2017-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",}];

var result = object.reduce(function(hash){
    return function(p, c) {
      if(!c.booking_id || (c.booking_id && !hash[c.booking_id.booking_id])) {
          hash[c.booking_id.booking_id] = true;
      return p;
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kukkuz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
