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How to filter Azure logs, or WCF Data Services filters for Dummies

I am looking at my Azure logs in the WADLogsTable and would like to filter the results, but I'm clueless as to how to do so. There is a textbox that says:

"Enter a WCF Data Services filter to limit the entities returned"

What is the syntax of a "WCF Data Services filter"? The following gives me an InvalidValueType error saying "The value specified is invalid.":

Timestamp gt '2011-04-20T00:00' 

Am I even close? Is there a handy syntax reference somewhere?

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gilly3 Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 22:04


2 Answers

This query should be in the format:

Timestamp gt datetime'2011-04-20T00:00:00' 

Remembering to put that datetime in there is the important bit.

This trips me up every time, so I use the OData overview for reference.

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knightpfhor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09


Adding to knightffhor's response, you can certainly write a query which filters by Timstamp but this is not recommended approach as querying on "Timestamp" attribute will lead to full table scan. Instead query this table on PartitionKey attribute. I'm copying my response from other thread here (Can I capture Performance Counters for an Azure Web/Worker Role remotely...?):

"One of the key thing here is to understand how to effectively query this table (and other diagnostics table). One of the things we would want from the diagnostics table is to fetch the data for a certain period of time. Our natural instinct would be to query this table on Timestamp attribute. However that's a BAD DESIGN choice because you know in an Azure table the data is indexed on PartitionKey and RowKey. Querying on any other attribute will result in full table scan which will create a problem when your table contains a lot of data.The good thing about these logs table is that PartitionKey value in a way represents the date/time when the data point was collected. Basically PartitionKey is created by using higher order bits of DateTime.Ticks (in UTC). So if you were to fetch the data for a certain date/time range, first you would need to calculate the Ticks for your range (in UTC) and then prepend a "0" in front of it and use those values in your query. If you're querying using REST API, you would use syntax like: PartitionKey ge '0<from date/time ticks in UTC>' and PartitionKey le '0<to date/time in UTC>'."

I've written a blog post about how to write WCF queries against table storage which you may find useful: http://blog.cerebrata.com/specifying-filter-criteria-when-querying-azure-table-storage-using-rest-api/

Also if you're looking for a 3rd party tool for viewing and managing diagnostics data, may I suggest that you take a look at our product Azure Diagnostics Manager: /Products/AzureDiagnosticsManager. This tool is built specifically for surfacing and managing Windows Azure Diagnostics data.

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Gaurav Mantri Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Gaurav Mantri