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How to filter a pandas dataframe by cells that DO NOT contain a substring?




I want to filter a dataframe to find rows which do not contain the string 'site'.

I know how to filter for rows which do contain 'site' but have not been able to get the reverse working. Here is what I have so far:

def rbs(): #removes blocked sites
    frame = fill_rate()
    mask = frame[frame['Media'].str.contains('Site')==True]
    frame = (frame != mask)
    return frame

But this returns an error, of course.

like image 767
bpr Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 20:06


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1 Answers

Just do frame[~frame['Media'].str.contains('Site')]

The ~ negates the boolean condition

So your method becomes:

def rbs(): #removes blocked sites
    frame = fill_rate()
    return frame[~frame['Media'].str.contains('Site')]


it looks like you have NaN values judging by your errors so you have to filter these out first so your method becomes:

def rbs(): #removes blocked sites
    frame = fill_rate()
    frame = frame[frame['Media'].notnull()]
    return frame[~frame['Media'].str.contains('Site')]

the notnull will filter out the missing values

like image 190
EdChum Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09
