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How to figure out which column raises an arithmetic overflow error upon insert?

Imagine a table with like a hundred of different columns in it. Imagine, then, that I have a user-data table from where I want to copy data to the base table. So I wrote this simple insert-select statement and this error pops up. So, what's the most elegant way to figure out which column raises the error?

My initial thoughts on the solution are about wrapping it in a transaction that I will ultimately rollback and use a sort of Divide and Conquer approach:

begin tran

insert into BaseTable (c1,c2,c3,...,cN)
select c1,c2,c3,...,cN 
from UserTable

rollback tran

And this obviously fails. So we divide the column set in half like so:

begin tran

insert into BaseTable (c1,c2,c3,...,cK) --where K = N/2
select c1,c2,c3,...,cK --where K = N/2
from UserTable

rollback tran

And if it fails then the failing column is in the other half. And we continue the process, until we find the pesky column.

Anything more elegant than that?

Note: I also found a near-duplicate of this question but it barely answers it.

like image 427
Denis Valeev Avatar asked Sep 08 '10 11:09

Denis Valeev

Video Answer

1 Answers

Following script would create SELECT statements for each integer column of Basetable.
Executing the resulting SELECT statements should pinpoint the offending columns in your Usertable.

        + sc.Name 
        + '''; SELECT MIN(CAST(' 
        + sc.Name 
        + ' AS INTEGER)) FROM Usertable'
FROM    sys.columns sc 
        INNER JOIN sys.types st ON st.system_type_id = sc.system_type_id
WHERE   OBJECT_NAME(Object_ID) = 'BaseTable'
        AND st.name = 'INT'
like image 148
Lieven Keersmaekers Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Lieven Keersmaekers