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How to fast render >10000 items using React + Flux?

I would like to ask what is the correct way to fast render > 10000 items in React.

Suppose I want to make a checkboxList which contain over dynamic 10000 checkbox items.

I make a store which contain all the items and it will be used as state of checkbox list.

When I click on any checkbox item, it will update the corresponding item by action and so the store is changed.

Since store is changed so it trigger the checkbox list update.

The checkbox list update its state and render again.

The problem here is if I click on any checkbox item, I have to wait > 3 seconds to see the checkbox is ticked. I don't expect this as only 1 checkbox item need to be re-rendered.

I try to find the root cause. The most time-consuming part is inside the checkbox list render method, related to .map which create the Checkbox component to form componentList.. But actually only 1 checkbox have to re-render.

The following is my codes. I use ReFlux for the flux architecture.


The Store store all the checkbox item as map. (name as key, state (true/false) as value)

const Reflux = require('reflux');
const Immutable = require('immutable');
const checkboxListAction = require('./CheckboxListAction');

let storage = Immutable.OrderedMap();
const CheckboxListStore = Reflux.createStore({
	listenables: checkboxListAction,
	onCreate: function (name) {
		if (!storage.has(name)) {
			storage = storage.set(name, false);
	onCheck: function (name) {
		if (storage.has(name)) {
			storage = storage.set(name, true);
	onUncheck: function (name) {
		if (storage.has(name)) {
			storage = storage.set(name, false);
	getStorage: function () {
		return storage;

module.exports = CheckboxListStore;


The action, create, check and uncheck any checkbox item with name provided.

const Reflux = require('reflux');
const CheckboxListAction = Reflux.createActions([
module.exports = CheckboxListAction;


const React = require('react');
const Reflux = require('reflux');
const $ = require('jquery');
const CheckboxItem = require('./CheckboxItem');
const checkboxListAction = require('./CheckboxListAction');
const checkboxListStore = require('./CheckboxListStore');
const CheckboxList = React.createClass({
	mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(checkboxListStore, 'onStoreChange')],
	getInitialState: function () {
		return {
			storage: checkboxListStore.getStorage()
	render: function () {
		const {storage} = this.state;
		const LiComponents = storage.map((state, name) => {
			return (
				<li key = {name}>
					<CheckboxItem name = {name} />
		return (
			<div className = 'checkbox-list'>
					CheckBox List
	onStoreChange: function (storage) {
		this.setState({storage: storage});

module.exports = CheckboxList;

CheckboxItem Inside onChange callback, I call the action to update the item.

const React = require('react');
const Reflux = require('reflux');
const $ = require('jquery');
const checkboxListAction = require('./CheckboxListAction');
const checkboxListStore = require('./CheckboxListStore');

const CheckboxItem = React.createClass({
	mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(checkboxListStore, 'onStoreChange')],
	propTypes: {
		name: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
	getInitialState: function () {
		const {name} = this.props;
		return {
			checked: checkboxListStore.getStorage().get(name)
	onStoreChange: function (storage) {
		const {name} = this.props;
			checked: storage.get(name)
	render: function () {
		const {name} = this.props;
		const {checked} = this.state;
		return (
			<div className = 'checkbox' style = {{background: checked ? 'green' : 'white'}} >
				<input ref = 'checkboxElement' type = 'checkbox'
					onChange = {this.handleChange}
					checked = {checked}/>
	handleChange: function () {
		const {name} = this.props;
		const checked = $(this.refs.checkboxElement).is(':checked');
		if (checked) {
		} else {

module.exports = CheckboxItem;
like image 712
RaymondFakeC Avatar asked Sep 27 '22 02:09


2 Answers

There are a few approaches you can take:

  1. Don't render all 10,000 - just render the visible check boxes (+ a few more) based on panel size and scroll position, and handle scroll events to update the visible subset (use component state for this, rather than flux). You'll need to handle the scroll bar in some way, either by rendering one manually, or easier by using the normal browser scroll bar by adding huge empty divs at the top and bottom to replace the checkboxes you aren't rendering, so that the scroll bar sits at the correct position. This approach allows you to handle 100,000 checkboxes or even a million, and the first render is fast as well as updates. Probably the preferred solution. There are lots of examples of this kind of approach here: http://react.rocks/tag/InfiniteScroll
  2. Micro-optimize - you could do storage.toArray().map(...) (so that you aren't creating an intermediate map), or even better, make and empty array and then do storage.forEach(...) adding the elements with push - much faster. But the React diffing algorithm is still going to have to diff 10000 elements, which is never going to be fast, however fast you make the code that generates the elements.
  3. Split your huge Map into chunks in some way, so that only 1 chunk changes when you check a chechbox. Also split up the React components in the same way (into CheckboxListChunks) or similar. This way, you'll only need to re-render the changed chunk, as long as you have a PureComponent type componentShouldUpdate function for each chunk (possibly Reflux does this for you?).
  4. Move away from ImmutableJS-based flux, so you have better control over what changes when (e.g. you don't have to update the parent checkbox map just because one of the children has changed).
  5. Add a custom shouldComponentUpdate to CheckboxList:

    shouldComponentUpdate:function(nextProps, nextState) {
        var storage = this.state.storage;
        var nextStorage = nextState.storage;
        if (storage.size !== nextStorage.size) return true;
        // check item names match for each index:
        return !storage.keySeq().equals(nextStorage.keySeq());
like image 128
TomW Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10


Beyond the initial render, you can significantly increase rendering speed of large collections by using Mobservable. It avoids re-rendering the parent component that maps over the 10.000 items unnecessarily when a child changes by automatically applying side-ways loading. See this blog for an in-depth explanation.

like image 20
mweststrate Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10
