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How to fade the edge of a View in react native?

Example 1

Example 2

How to fade the edge of a View like the above images in react native?

like image 959
longsangstan Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 19:02


People also ask

How do you make a gradient in react native?

... <LinearGradient colors={['red', 'yellow', 'green' ]} style={styles. linearGradient} start={{ x: 0, y: 0.5 }} end={{ x: 1, y: 0.5 }} locations={[0, 0.7, 0.9]} > <Text>H. Location Gradient</Text> </LinearGradient> <LinearGradient colors={['red', 'yellow', 'green' ]} style={styles.

How do you add a linear gradient in react native?

Right click on Libraries and click Add Files to "Your Project Name" . Look under node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient/ios and add BVLinearGradient.

2 Answers

I know this post is old but for anyone looking at this now, you can set a fadingEdgeLength on your ScrollView like this to achieve that effect. Note that it only works for Android though. For example:

<ScrollView fadingEdgeLength={100}>
  ... scroll view content ...
like image 152
Ryker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


On iOS, you can use the MaskedViewIOS component to create an transparent alpha mask for the fading effect.

For the fading gradient itself, you can either use something like react-native-linear-gradient (which is also built into Expo) or a semi-transparent image (black pixels will show content through, transparent pixels will block masked content).

    <LinearGradient colors={['black', 'transparent']} />
  <YourContent />

Here is an example on Snack.

Unfortunately, MaskedView is not yet implemented on Android. I'm not aware of a simple way of implementing this, but would be happy to be proven wrong.

like image 45
jevakallio Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
