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How to extract text from word file .doc,docx,.xlsx,.pptx php

There may be a scenario we need to get the text from word documents for the future use to search the string in the document uploaded by user like for searching in cv's/resumes and occurs a common problem that how to get the text , Open and read a user uploaded Word document,there are some helpful links but don't cure the whole problem.We need to get the text at the time of uploading and save text in database and we can easily search within the database.

like image 667
M Khalid Junaid Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 20:10

M Khalid Junaid

People also ask

How do I extract text from a Word document?

Open the DOCX file and click on File > Save As > Computer > Browser. Choose to save file as Plain Text (for XLSX files, save it as Text (Tab delimited)). Locate and open the text file with the name you have used to save it. This text file will contain only the text from your original file without any formatting.

How read data from docx file in PHP?

They can be read by using fopen. While . docx files are just zip files and xml files xml files in a zipfile container (source wikipedia) you can read them by using zip_open.

What is a docx file?

docx file is a Microsoft Word text document. The format was introduced as a new standard for text documents with the release of Word version 2007. The aim was to establish a file format based on XML, which takes less storage space.

How do I extract text from a Word document in Python?

To extract text from MS word files in Python, we can use the zipfile library. to create ZipFile object with the path string to the Word file. Then we call read with 'word/document. xml' to read the Word file.

1 Answers

Here is a simple class which does the right job for .doc/.docx , PHP docx reader: Convert MS Word Docx files to text.

    class DocxConversion{     private $filename;      public function __construct($filePath) {         $this->filename = $filePath;     }      private function read_doc() {         $fileHandle = fopen($this->filename, "r");         $line = @fread($fileHandle, filesize($this->filename));            $lines = explode(chr(0x0D),$line);         $outtext = "";         foreach($lines as $thisline)           {             $pos = strpos($thisline, chr(0x00));             if (($pos !== FALSE)||(strlen($thisline)==0))               {               } else {                 $outtext .= $thisline." ";               }           }          $outtext = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\,\.\-\n\r\t@\/\_\(\)]/","",$outtext);         return $outtext;     }      private function read_docx(){          $striped_content = '';         $content = '';          $zip = zip_open($this->filename);          if (!$zip || is_numeric($zip)) return false;          while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {              if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry) == FALSE) continue;              if (zip_entry_name($zip_entry) != "word/document.xml") continue;              $content .= zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));              zip_entry_close($zip_entry);         }// end while          zip_close($zip);          $content = str_replace('</w:r></w:p></w:tc><w:tc>', " ", $content);         $content = str_replace('</w:r></w:p>', "\r\n", $content);         $striped_content = strip_tags($content);          return $striped_content;     }   /************************excel sheet************************************/  function xlsx_to_text($input_file){     $xml_filename = "xl/sharedStrings.xml"; //content file name     $zip_handle = new ZipArchive;     $output_text = "";     if(true === $zip_handle->open($input_file)){         if(($xml_index = $zip_handle->locateName($xml_filename)) !== false){             $xml_datas = $zip_handle->getFromIndex($xml_index);             $xml_handle = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml_datas, LIBXML_NOENT | LIBXML_XINCLUDE | LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING);             $output_text = strip_tags($xml_handle->saveXML());         }else{             $output_text .="";         }         $zip_handle->close();     }else{     $output_text .="";     }     return $output_text; }  /*************************power point files*****************************/ function pptx_to_text($input_file){     $zip_handle = new ZipArchive;     $output_text = "";     if(true === $zip_handle->open($input_file)){         $slide_number = 1; //loop through slide files         while(($xml_index = $zip_handle->locateName("ppt/slides/slide".$slide_number.".xml")) !== false){             $xml_datas = $zip_handle->getFromIndex($xml_index);             $xml_handle = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml_datas, LIBXML_NOENT | LIBXML_XINCLUDE | LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING);             $output_text .= strip_tags($xml_handle->saveXML());             $slide_number++;         }         if($slide_number == 1){             $output_text .="";         }         $zip_handle->close();     }else{     $output_text .="";     }     return $output_text; }       public function convertToText() {          if(isset($this->filename) && !file_exists($this->filename)) {             return "File Not exists";         }          $fileArray = pathinfo($this->filename);         $file_ext  = $fileArray['extension'];         if($file_ext == "doc" || $file_ext == "docx" || $file_ext == "xlsx" || $file_ext == "pptx")         {             if($file_ext == "doc") {                 return $this->read_doc();             } elseif($file_ext == "docx") {                 return $this->read_docx();             } elseif($file_ext == "xlsx") {                 return $this->xlsx_to_text();             }elseif($file_ext == "pptx") {                 return $this->pptx_to_text();             }         } else {             return "Invalid File Type";         }     }  } 

Document_file_format Doc files are binary blobs.They can be read by using fopen.While .docx files are just zip files and xml files xml files in a zipfile container (source wikipedia) you can read them by using zip_open.

Usage of above class

$docObj = new DocxConversion("test.doc"); //$docObj = new DocxConversion("test.docx"); //$docObj = new DocxConversion("test.xlsx"); //$docObj = new DocxConversion("test.pptx"); echo $docText= $docObj->convertToText(); 
like image 91
M Khalid Junaid Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09

M Khalid Junaid