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how to extract out a string with SYMBOLS after a pattern in a URL string in Google BigQuery

i have two possible forms of a URL string


I want to get out the Y/lyPw== in both examples

so everything before ;id_1 between the brackets

will always come after the ?pps= part

What is the best way to approach this? I want to use the big query language as this is where my data sits

like image 973
shecode Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 14:12


1 Answers

Here is one way to build a regular expression to do it:

SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(url, r'\?pps=;[\[]?([^;]*);') FROM
(SELECT "http://www.abcexample.com/landpage/?pps=;[XYZXYZ;id_1][XYZZZZ;id_2];[5403;ord];" 
  AS url),
(SELECT "http://www.abcexample.com/landpage/?pps=;XYZXYZ;id_1;unknown;ord;"
  AS url)
like image 113
Mosha Pasumansky Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 07:12

Mosha Pasumansky