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How to extract images from PDF using Ghostscript or ImageMagick?

I need to render or fetch all the images from a specific PDF file. How can I achieve this using Ghostscript or ImageMagick ?

like image 631
mmoghrabi Avatar asked Jun 12 '13 12:06


People also ask

Does ImageMagick use Ghostscript?

The ghostscript interpreter is used by ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick to convert Postscript and similar formats into images.

Can ImageMagick convert PDF?

Use ImageMagick® to create, edit, compose, or convert digital images. It can read and write images in a variety of formats (over 200) including PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, HEIC, SVG, PDF, DPX, EXR and TIFF.

1 Answers

You cannot do it with Ghostscript, but you can do it with Poppler's or XPDF's commandline tools named pdfimages:

pdfimages -j some.pdf subdir/image-prefix

All the images will now be located in subdir/ named image-prefix-0001.jpg, image-prefix-0002.jpg ...

The -j parameter will make the command try to directly extract JPEGs. Failing to create JPEGs, it will create PNMs or PPMs, which you can always convert using ImageMagick:

convert subdir/image-prefix-0033.ppm subdir/image-prefix-0033.jpeg
like image 99
Kurt Pfeifle Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Kurt Pfeifle