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How to extract Clojure REPL history

I have written some code within the plain console REPL of Clojure (lein repl). Now I would like to extract the history in order to get the code that I have written in there. Can I do this somehow?

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wirrbel Avatar asked May 22 '13 06:05


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How to Access History​ A repl's history is located at https://replit.com/@username/repltitle/history , but you can reach the same page by: Choosing "History" from the three-dot menu for that specific repl (from the My Repls page) or. Clicking on the rewind button located in the top navigation bar inside the repl.

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1 Answers

Each Leiningen project stores its REPL usage history in the .lein-repl-history file. There's a global repl-history file as well, located at ~/.lein.

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deprecated Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
