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How To Extract Bootstrap's Popover Functionality?

I have a non-bootstrap project which requires popover functionality.

I'd like to use bootstrap's popovers, but don't want to include all of bootstrap, since I'll only be using this one feature. I'd also be open to suggestions for a different standalone popover widget.

Bootstrap's popover are described here, with examples:


My questions are:

  1. Which bootstrap CSS definitions will I need to extract from the source?
  2. Since the bootstrap customizer is not yet available, do I just need to use the file tooltip.js, or are there some other base js files I'll need to include?


like image 875
Jonah Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 02:08


People also ask

How do I enable popovers in bootstrap?

To create a popover, add the data-toggle="popover" attribute to an element. Note: Popovers must be initialized with jQuery: select the specified element and call the popover() method.

How do I show popover on hover?

To make the image on hover in popover just insert an image as an HTML element to the data-mdb-content and set the data-mdb-html to true .

How do I know if my popover is visible or not?

You can also check using a condition $('#anElement'). next(). hasClass('popover') which will return true if the popover is on.

Which attribute is used to store the popover content?

The data-toggle attribute defines the Popover, the title attribute defines the Tile for the Popover and the data-content attribute is used to store the content to be displayed in the respective Popover.

1 Answers

  1. Here's a fiddle with the relevant snippets of Bootstrap. The relevant classes are:

    .popover .arrow
    .popover .arrow:after
    .popover .arrow
    .popover .arrow:after
    .popover.top .arrow
    .popover.top .arrow:after
    .popover.right .arrow
    .popover.right .arrow:after
    .popover.bottom .arrow
    .popover.bottom .arrow:after
    .popover.left .arrow
    .popover.left .arrow:after
  2. Yes, since popover extends tooltip. And you'll need jQuery if you're not already using it.

I've also heard some nice things about qTip2.

like image 160
sgbj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
