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How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin

I am digging into Twitter's Bootstrap and now want to try and add some functionality to the plugins, but I can't figure out how to do so. Using the modal plugin as an example (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals), I'd like to add a new function to the plugin that can be called as one would the standard plugin methods. THe closest I think I have come is with the following code, but all I get when I try to access is that the function is not part of the object.

Any suggestions? This is what I have tried that seems to be the closest to what I need to do:

 $.extend($.fn.modal, {      showFooterMessage: function (message) {          alert("Hey");      }  });  

Then I would want to call it as follows:


EDIT: OK, I figured out how to do this:

(function ($) {     var extensionMethods = {         displayFooterMessage: function ($msg) {             var args = arguments[0]             var that = this;              // do stuff here         }     }      $.extend(true, $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype, extensionMethods); })(jQuery); 

The problem with the existing set of Bootstrap plugins is that if anyone wants to extend them, none of the new methods can accept arguments. My attempt to "fix" this was to add the acceptance of arguments in the plugins function call.

$.fn.modal = function (option) {     var args = arguments[1] || {};     return this.each(function () {         var $this = $(this)         , data = $this.data('modal')         , options = typeof option == 'object' && option          if (!data) $this.data('modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))          if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](args)         else data.show()      }) // end each } // end $.fn.modal 
like image 783
AlexGad Avatar asked Feb 04 '12 00:02


People also ask

How do I use bootstrap plugins?

To get started with the Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins, you don't need to be an advanced JavaScript developer. By utilizing Bootstrap Data API, most of the plugins can be triggered without writing a single line of code. Individually − Using Bootstrap's individual *. js files.

Can I use bootstrap with JavaScript?

All Bootstrap's JavaScript files depend on util. js and it has to be included alongside the other JavaScript files. If you're using the compiled (or minified) bootstrap. js , there is no need to include this—it's already there.

1 Answers

This is an old thread, but I just made some custom extensions to modal using the following pattern:

// save the original function object var _super = $.fn.modal;  // add custom defaults $.extend( _super.defaults, {     foo: 'bar',     john: 'doe' });  // create a new constructor var Modal = function(element, options) {      // do custom constructor stuff here       // call the original constructor     _super.Constructor.apply( this, arguments );  }  // extend prototypes and add a super function Modal.prototype = $.extend({}, _super.Constructor.prototype, {     constructor: Modal,     _super: function() {         var args = $.makeArray(arguments);         _super.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args);     },     show: function() {          // do custom method stuff          // call the original method         this._super('show');     } });  // override the old initialization with the new constructor $.fn.modal = $.extend(function(option) {      var args = $.makeArray(arguments),         option = args.shift();      return this.each(function() {          var $this = $(this);         var data = $this.data('modal'),             options = $.extend({}, _super.defaults, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option);          if ( !data ) {             $this.data('modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)));         }         if (typeof option == 'string') {             data[option].apply( data, args );         }         else if ( options.show ) {             data.show.apply( data, args );         }     });  }, $.fn.modal); 

This way you can

1) add your own default options

2) create new methods with custom arguments and access to original (super) functions

3) do stuff in the constructor before and/or after the original constructor is called

like image 136
David Hellsing Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

David Hellsing