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How to expose Kubernetes DNS externally



Is it possible for an external DNS server to resolve against the K8s cluster DNS? I want to have applications residing outside of the cluster be able to resolve the container DNS names?

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Chris Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 16:04


2 Answers

Although it may be possible to expose coredns and thus forward requests to kubernetes, the typical approach I've taken, in aws, is to use the external-dns controller.

This will sync services and ingresses with provides like aws. It comes with some caveats, but I've used it successfully in prod environments.

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Dan Murphy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Dan Murphy

It's possible, there's a good article proving the concept: https://blog.heptio.com/configuring-your-linux-host-to-resolve-a-local-kubernetes-clusters-service-urls-a8c7bdb212a7

However, I agree with Dan that exposing via service + ingress/ELB + external-dns is a common way to solve this. And for dev purposes I use https://github.com/txn2/kubefwd which also hacks name resolution.

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Max Lobur Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Max Lobur