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How to export Quick Help Documentation for User Defined Function in Xcode 8 to HTML


I know how to add the documentation in Xcode but I am unable to find , how to export that documentation to HTML.

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ManiaChamp Avatar asked Nov 28 '16 12:11


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1 Answers

There are 2 major apps/command line tools that can do what you want

  • Headerdoc
  • doxygen


Is an open source documentation to html script/command line tool from Apple, Inc.

Headerdoc is provided by default in all versions of OS X/macOS just open Terminal and use the following to figure out what you have:

which headerdoc2html

and then read the man page using something like this:

man headerdoc2html


Supports many languages and has a few tag/format differences from Headerdoc

Which one you will want to use will be based on what language you are using, Headerdoc may not support the language you want and doxygen might not either, your mileage may vary. Read the documentation and supported languages to make your choice. I hope this helps :)

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Chucky Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
