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How to exit a loop in Python? [closed]

I want to make the loop stops when x + y =z, on the else.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov 16 18:39:40 2015

@author: gabri

from random import randint
import os

x = randint(1,11)
y = randint(1,11)

print ("", x,"+", y,"=\n")
z = int(input("Resposta="))

if z == x + y:
    input ("\n\nCorreto\nPrima enter para continuar...")

    for z in range(0, 10):
        input ("Incorreto.\n\n Tente de novo...")
        x = randint(1,11)
        y = randint(1,11)
        print ("", x,"+", y,"=\n")
        z = int(input("Resposta="))
        if z == x + y:
            input ("\n\nCorreto\nPrima enter para continuar...")
like image 693
Gabriel Brandao Avatar asked Nov 16 '15 19:11

Gabriel Brandao

1 Answers

Replace exit with break. Exit isn't a way to exit loops in Python.

break statement docs

like image 61
NotAnAmbiTurner Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
