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How to execute Perl qx function with variable

How do I get Perl's qx function to execute with my $opt variable?

Before (works):

my @df_output = qx (df -k /tmp);

I want to use either -k, -g, or -H:

my @df_output = qx (df -$opt /tmp);
like image 757
jdamae Avatar asked Jun 16 '11 21:06


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Description. This function is a alternative to using back-quotes to execute system commands. For example, qx(ls -l) will execute the UNIX ls command using the -l command-line option. You can actually use any set of delimiters, not just the parentheses.

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2 Answers

What you have should work, but: don't ever use qx. It's ancient and dangerous; whatever you feed to it goes through the shell, so it's very easy to be vulnerable to shell injection or run into surprises if /bin/sh isn't quite what you expected.

Use the multi-arg form of open(), which bypasses the shell entirely.

open my $fh, '-|', 'df', "-$opt", '/tmp' or die "Can't open pipe: $!";
my @lines = <$fh>;  # or read in a loop, which is more likely what you want
close $fh or die "Can't close pipe: $!";
like image 69
Eevee Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09


try to use backslash \$opt, it works.

like image 21
hack4fun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
