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How to execute aggregate in mongodb in laravel framework

I need to get result of following query in laravel frame work (used jenssegers library)

db.product.aggregate({ $group : {_id : "$catid", total : { $sum : 1}}},

I tried to do this like this

return DB::connection($this - > connection)- > 
          collection($this - > collection) - > aggregate(
        '{ $group : {_id : "$catid", total : { $sum : 1 }}},{$sort:{total:-1}}'');

But it is giving error like "ErrorException Undefined index: aggregate" need to know that how to use mongodb "db.collection.aggregate"

The document of my collection is like this

     "_id": ObjectId("5369d68611fe14ddc5f59ff9"),
     "sku": 123456,
     "productid": 1,
     "name": "name1",
     "catid": 1
like image 447
Lucil Sandaruwan Avatar asked May 08 '14 06:05

Lucil Sandaruwan

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1 Answers

You can access the aggregate method on the Jenssegers library via the raw() function.

Here is an example of an aggregate call with group, sort, limit and project. You can adapt it to your needs:

//Perform an aggregate function and get a cursor
$cursor = Data::raw()->aggregate([
    ['$group' =>
        ['_id' => '$name', 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]
    ['$sort' => ['count' => -1]],
    ['$limit' => 30],
    ['$project' => ['_id' => 0,
                   'text' => '$_id',
                   'size' => '$count',

//Iterate your cursor
$current = $cursor;
do {
    echo $current; //Process each element
} while (!($current = $cursor->next()));

Note that using the raw() method requires using a cursor because it is a low-level call.

like image 98
adelriosantiago Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
