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How to exclude url in workbox runtime caching?

I am using workbox-build for Gulp in my django project. All works correct, but there are some problems with admin urls. As I see, /admin/* urls caching in runtimes - I can see them in Chrome DevTools/Application/Cache. How can I exclude admin urls from runtime caching?


gulp.task('service-worker', () => {
   return workboxBuild.injectManifest({
         globDirectory: '/var/www/example.com/',
         swSrc:  '/var/www/example.com/core/templates/core/serviceWorker/sw-dev.js',
         swDest: '/var/www/example.com/core/templates/core/serviceWorker/sw.js',
         globIgnores: ['admin\/**','media\/**','core\/**','static/admin\/**','static/core/scripts/plugins/**']
         }).then(({count, size, warnings}) => {


importScripts("https://storage.googleapis.com/workbox- cdn/releases/3.4.1/workbox-sw.js");
// Use a custom cache name
cacheName: 'image-cache',
plugins: [
  new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
    // Cache only 20 images
    maxEntries: 30,
    // Cache for a maximum of a week
    maxAgeSeconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,

    cacheName: 'font-cache',

  new RegExp('\/$'),

  new RegExp('contacts\/$'),
  new RegExp('pricelist\/$'),
like image 212
Vladimir Zyuzin Avatar asked Mar 16 '19 09:03

Vladimir Zyuzin

People also ask

What is runtime caching?

Runtime caching refers to gradually adding responses to a cache "as you go". While runtime caching doesn't help with the reliability of the current request, it can help make future requests for the same URL more reliable.

What is workbox routing?

A service worker can intercept network requests for a page. It may respond to the browser with cached content, content from the network or content generated in the service worker. workbox-routing is a module which makes it easy to "route" these requests to different functions that provide responses.

What is workbox-SW JS?

The workbox-sw module provides an extremely easy way to get up and running with the Workbox modules, simplifies the loading of the Workbox modules, and offers some simple helper methods. You can use workbox-sw via our CDN or you use it with a set of workbox files on your own server.

1 Answers

In addition to providing RegExps for routing, Workbox's registerRoute() method supports matchCallback functions. I think that they're easier to make sense of, and recently most of the examples in the public documentation have migrated to use them.

  // Match all navigation requests, except those for URLs whose
  // path starts with '/admin/'
  ({request, url}) => request.mode === 'navigate' &&
  new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate()
like image 76
Jeff Posnick Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Jeff Posnick