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How to exclude library dependencies with explicit URL from generated pom?




I'm moving the Scala Migrations project from ant/ivy to sbt. It optionally uses log4jdbc as a library dependency that doesn't exist in any public Maven repository (from what I can find).

libraryDependencies +=
  "log4jdbc" % "log4jdbc" % "1.1" from "http://log4jdbc.googlecode.com/files/log4jdbc4-1.1.jar"

I'd like the generated POM to not include log4jdbc, since it's not in any repository. Is this a correct assumption that the POM will be better without listing log4jdbc? Also, will not listing it work better for Scala Migrations users using sbt?

I wrote the following setting to remove the log4jdbc dependency from the POM. Is there a better, easier way? Could a setting be added to sbt to do this automatically?

// Do not include log4jdbc as a dependency.
pomPostProcess := { (node: scala.xml.Node) =>
  val rewriteRule =
    new scala.xml.transform.RewriteRule {
      override def transform(n: scala.xml.Node): scala.xml.NodeSeq = {
        val name = n.nameToString(new StringBuilder).toString
        if (name == "dependency") {
          if ((n \ "groupId").text == "log4jdbc")
        else {
  val transformer = new scala.xml.transform.RuleTransformer(rewriteRule)
like image 309
Blair Zajac Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 04:09

Blair Zajac

People also ask

How do you exclude a dependency in Pom?

Exclude a dependency You can use a diagram to exclude a dependency from the project's POM. Select a dependency in the diagram window. From the context menu, choose Exclude. From the list, select the module (if any) where the exclusion definition will be added.

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To avoid this, you can use Maven's <exclusions> tag. Consider below Maven dependency of spring-json library. Adding this dependency of spring-json library would include following jar files automatically. Note how we specified <exclusion> tag to remove spring and cglib dependencies from the transitive dependency tree.

What are exclusions in POM xml?

Exclusions are set on a specific dependency in your POM, and are targeted at a specific groupId and artifactId. When you build your project, that artifact will not be added to your project's classpath by way of the dependency in which the exclusion was declared.

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Excluding a single class in not possible. Within <dependency> tags you can define <exclusions/> . However, these are for entire dependencies. The shade plugin should be handled with care.

1 Answers

Because you mention a POM, I assume you want to support Maven users or you want to publish to a Maven repository. If that isn't true, you don't need to publish to a POM and you can just work with Ivy metadata like in the Ant/Ivy setup.

Since you know Ivy, the from(URL) method is essentially implemented by declaring a custom artifact with its from property set to the URL. Independent of Maven/POMs, Ivy doesn't include custom artifacts in the delivered Ivy file. (At least, I believe this is standard Ivy behavior and not something sbt configures Ivy to do.)

There isn't a way to provide the URL for a dependency in a pom.xml either, though. How you handle this might depend on what you expect clients to do, but one fairly general solution is to declare the dependency as optional:

libraryDependencies +=
  "log4jdbc" % "log4jdbc" % "1.1" % "compile,optional" from

Clients would need to explicitly declare the dependency in order to use it. Because it isn't a repository, sbt users would still need to duplicate the from "..." declaration. Maven users can only use dependencies in a repository, although they can install it in their local repository manually fairly easily.

like image 85
Mark Harrah Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09

Mark Harrah