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How to exclude bean from loading?

I have a problem integrating external library with Spring. It contains a class annotated with @Configuration and it has a method annotated with @Bean. I don't want it to be instantiated (it's not needed and introduces dependency on a Spring Boot, which I don't use.

Unfortunately this @Configuration-annotated class is used elsewhere in the library (required by the class type, not interface type, so I need to instantiate exactly this class).

I exluded it's package from auto-scanning, I'm not importing it directly. Just constructing it by hand and registering in own configuration as a bean.

So, to make story short - I need to register a bean, but exclude it from annotation scnanning (to not process it's @Bean-annotated methods). Any way for doing this?

like image 890
Rafał Wrzeszcz Avatar asked Jul 09 '16 19:07

Rafał Wrzeszcz

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1 Answers

If you mean you have library in your maven, gradle, then you can exclude spring beans from being initialized. I found exclude @Component from @ComponentScan

    basePackages = {"com.example"},
    excludeFilters = {
            type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE,
            value = Foo.class)})
public class MySpringConfiguration {


And if you do not want to include transitive dependencies, thus you do not want your dependency to add other dependencies it uses, you have to exclude them from your dependncy (in maven, gradle).

like image 183
Yan Khonski Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 11:10

Yan Khonski