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How to enter text in Jetpack compose TextField through UI tests?

In Jetpack compose I have a TextField and I'm trying to write Espresso UI tests.
I didn't find how I can enter text in the TextField, any ideas, please?

    value = textState.value,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
    onValueChange = {
        textState.value = it
    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
        capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.Sentences)

val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()

fun enterTextAndMakeServiceCall() {

    // TODO: Enter text inside the TextField
like image 231
AndroidDev Avatar asked Mar 17 '21 14:03


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1 Answers

I first set the testTag modifier on the composable I want to test:

const val MY_TEXTFIELD_TAG = "myTextFieldTag"

    value = textState.value,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().testTag(MY_TEXTFIELD_TAG),
    onValueChange = {
        textState.value = it
    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.Sentences),

And then from your test you can set and check the value like this:

fun setAndCheckTheTextFieldValue() {
    val resultText = "result"

    // Sets the TextField value

    // Asserts the TextField has the corresponding value


Another way I use lately is to use the contentDescription instead.

Let's say you have a TextField with content description like this one (not using state hoisting for simplicity on this sample):

fun MyTextField() {
    val textState = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue()) }
    val textFieldContentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.text_field_content_description)
        value = textState.value,
        modifier = Modifier
            .semantics { contentDescription = textFieldContentDescription },
        onValueChange = {
            textState.value = it

The test could be something like:

val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()

fun setAndCheckTheTextFieldValue() {
    lateinit var textFieldContentDescription: String
    composeTestRule.setContent {
        textFieldContentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.text_field_content_description)
        MaterialTheme {
    val resultText = "result"

    // Sets the TextField value

    // Asserts the TextField has the corresponding value
    composeTestRule.onNodeWithContentDescription(textFieldContentDescription).assert(hasText(resultText, ignoreCase = true))

and this way the app is more accessible as well by having content descriptions.

like image 197
jeprubio Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
