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How to ensure UWP app is always full screen on launch?


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How do I make the UWP app full screen?

So here's the big reveal: you can easily full screen almost any UWP apps in Windows 10 just by hitting `Shift + Win + Enter` after focusing a UWP app. The shortcut should work with most UWP apps in Windows 10, but it may not work if an app doesn't allow the window to be maximized in the first place.

How do I make an application open full screen?

Open the program, maximize the window by clicking the square icon in the upper-right corner. Then, press and hold the Ctrl key and close the program. Re-open the program to see if it opens as maximized.

How do I get shortcuts to open full screen?

For most apps and games, you can use the standard Alt+Enter combination. Simply press and hold the two buttons simultaneously, and your app/game will automatically go full screen. If you want to exit the full-screen mode, use the same combination.

Is settings a UWP app?

The Windows Settings app is a UWP app, installed in the C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel path.

Is there a way (either C# or XAML) I can maximize a UWP app window even after I resized and closed it previously on desktop?

I have tried with ApplicationViewWindowingMode.FullScreen but this makes the app go entire full screen and covers the Windows Taskbar too.